Our coaches will be hardworking, enthusiastic and looking to encourage the players at every opportunity whilst also challenging them to become more competent players.
Our coaches will look to focus on players’ strengths as well as addressing weaker aspects in their game. They will use a variety of styles and strategies to teach the game. Our coaches will also embrace the latest technology to maximise player development.
Our coaches will also strive to maintain the following qualities:
Enthusiasm: quality coaches are those who are passionate about their sport and enthusiastic about seeing their players develop. Who really wants a boring coach?
Respectful: quality coaches are those who are well-mannered and patient with their players. Who really wants a rude coach?
Humility: quality coaches are those who are always ready to learn more about their sport. Who really wants an arrogant coach?
Knowledgeable: quality coaches are those who have a thorough grasp of their sport. Who really wants a clueless coach?
Creative: quality coaches are those who come up with fresh approaches to training and player development. Who really wants an unimaginative coach?
Punctual: quality coaches are those who are always well prepared and ready to go. Who really wants a tardy coach?